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Lindau's apartment building is cleared as roadways flood.

After substantial rain and flooding, an apartment complex in Lindau on Lake Constance has been cleared out as a safety measure. According to a municipal representative, there was a potential risk of a brief circuit brought on by water exposure. The building's occupants were conveyed by bus to a...

A flashing blue light on an emergency vehicle of the fire department.
A flashing blue light on an emergency vehicle of the fire department.

Severe flooding occurs. - Lindau's apartment building is cleared as roadways flood.

Certain roads and tunnels in the city are flooded, leading to the cessation of city bus services, added the spokesperson. The fire department and rescue team are working non-stop. Consistent communication is taking place among rescue services, the fire department, police, and district officials. We're keeping an eye on the developments. The citizens are advised to download the Nina alert application.

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The spokesperson also mentioned that the storm and heavy rain have caused flooding around Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg. Due to the flooding, the fire department is also handling a fire in one of the affected buildings in Lindau. Despite these emergencies, rescue services continue to coordinate closely to address the situation. The citizens are urged to stay alert and be prepared for potential floods in their areas.

