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Lina withdraws from Fridays for Future event.

The singer Lina was initially scheduled to headline the Fridays for Future rally in Hamburg, but she abruptly withdrew from the event. The cause of her withdrawal was her uncomfortableness with the climate movement's stance on anti-Semitism.

Lina Larissa Strahl, actress and singer.
Lina Larissa Strahl, actress and singer.

Addressing anti-Semitic acts - Lina withdraws from Fridays for Future event.

Because of the management of the climate movement involving antisemitism, singer and actress Lina decided to cancel her appearance at the Hamburg Fridays-For-Future protest on Friday with short notice. "I want to convey my disapproval that Fridays For Future Hamburg does not distance itself enough from antisemitism and doesn't take measures to ensure that antisemitic content is regularly and in high quantities exhibited at the demonstrations they organize," remarked the 26-year-old on her Instagram account. Of note, Greta Thunberg and her entourage have been circulating antisemitic stereotypes and anti-Israeli sentiments globally for months.

"I cannot and will not abide by this." The protests should serve as a space for respectful coexistence instead of serving as a platform for hatred and discrimination against Jews and Judaism, Strahl articulated. Lina Larissa Strahl is also known for her role as Bibi Blocksberg in cinema and recently graced the RTL show "Let's Dance."

Slated to commence on Friday afternoon, the climate movement's Fridays For Future demonstration is anticipated to attract about 15,000 attendees as per the local authorities. The demonstration (2:00 p.m.) is part of the European climate strike coinciding with the European elections. By hosting the rally, the group aims to raise awareness of the severity of the climate crisis. Fridays For Future calls for a European exit from all fossil energy sources by 2035 while demanding investments in climate protection measures to be more than doubled by 2030. This effort is crucial to achieve the EU climate target for 2030. Additionally, the group is urging young people to make a powerful statement against right-wing ideologies through prudent voting during the European elections. The climate strikes in Germany are a part of a multi-day, extensive European climate protest wave. As per reports, actions are scheduled in over a dozen countries. In Germany, close to 100 demonstrations have been filed.

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