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Limited public fever for European Championship match, less interest from viewers.

Enjoying European Championship soccer with a large gathering of spectators in Hesse? The pubic viewing options are unimpressive in several areas, and excitement appears to be low at the moment.

Two young men watch a soccer match in a Berlin pub.
Two young men watch a soccer match in a Berlin pub.

The European Championship is a major sporting event. - Limited public fever for European Championship match, less interest from viewers.

This weekend marks the beginning of the European Football Championship, but the excitement is muted in several areas of Hesse. Frankfurt, hosting one of the championships, offers a significant fan zone with live broadcasts on multiple screens, entertainment, and dining options. In contrast, larger cities throughout the state are leaving public viewing events to pubs, beer gardens, clubs, and private businesses.

Various factors contribute to this decision, including the expenses of organizing the events, concerns over the performance of the German national team, unpredictable weather, and the time and resources needed for ensuring security measures. There's also a question about how well-received these viewing events would be. Since fans can watch matches with their own televisions at home for cheaper, it remains to be seen if the additional costs would be worth it.

Neither Marburg nor Fulda has planned any city-organized public viewing events for the championship. Marburg has a few registrations for smaller public viewing parties linked to other gatherings, but they're not always required to be registered with the city. Thus, there's no official count.

Smaller gatherings will most likely pop up in pubs and bars throughout both cities. However, these events are not typically subject to registration. As a result, there's no specific number.

The enthusiasm for large public viewing events among potential organizers seems to have waned. According to the city administration, the financial risk for these organizers is substantial. They need to cover the costs for technology, infrastructure, permits, and security, though the income can be hard to predict.

The Marburg spokesperson mentioned a slightly bigger, privately arranged public viewing event near an industrial area, but most viewing options are more casual. They include communal gatherings at several pubs.

Wiesbaden is also refraining from organizing any public viewing, citing high costs and budgetary concerns. However, there are a double-digit number of pubs and restaurants with viewing offers. "They also have something to offer," stated the city press office.

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