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Lightning strikes house in Ilmenau: 120,000 euros damage

The German Weather Service warns of severe thunderstorms in parts of Thuringia. In Ilmenau, a semi-detached house was struck by lightning.

An emergency vehicle of the fire department.
An emergency vehicle of the fire department.

Weather - Lightning strikes house in Ilmenau: 120,000 euros damage

A lightning strike occurred in the afternoon of Thursday at a semi-detached house in Ilmenau (Ilm-District). The attic caught fire, a witness immediately called the fire department as reported by the police. The alerted rescuers were able to prevent the fire from spreading to the other semi-detached house in the Unterpörlitz neighborhood. No injuries were reported, the property damage was estimated to be at least 120,000 Euro.

The German Weather Service (DWD) warns in parts of Thuringia of severe thunderstorms (Stages 3 to 4) in the afternoon. Affected are the districts of Gotha, Schmalkalden-Meiningen and Wartburgkreis. Meteorologists warn of life-threatening lightning strikes, uprooted trees, high-voltage power lines and roof tiles. But also of falling branches and roof tiles, rapid flooding of roads, underpasses and cellars, as well as hail.

Press release Warning Card DWD

The local fire department and police were notified about the lightning strike and subsequent fire in Ilmenau. They worked together to extinguish the fire and prevent further damage. Despite the severe weather conditions in Thuringia, the DWD issuing warnings for potential emergencies, luckily, this incident resulted in no injuries. The property damage, however, was significant, amounting to at least 120,000 Euro.

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