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Lightning strikes a house: 100,000 euros damage

In Büdingen, a fire in a vacant house caused by a lightning strike resulted in damage of 100,000 euros. There were also weather-related operations in East Hesse.

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.

Büdingen - Lightning strikes a house: 100,000 euros damage

A fire caused by a lightning strike in an empty house in Büdingen (Wetteraukreis) resulted in approximately 100,000 Euros worth of damage. The fire was reported in the early Wednesday evening, according to a spokesperson for Police Mittelhessen. The fire department was able to extinguish it within two hours. The smoke also spread to a nearby clinic, which was ventilated preventatively. However, no one had to evacuate the building.

Previously, the German Weather Service (DWD) had announced heavy thunderstorms in Hessen. In the east, there were some damages caused by the storm during the night leading to Thursday, reported a spokesperson for Police Osthessen. There were uprooted trees and flooded streets. No one was injured. The extent of the damage was initially unclear.

  1. The fire department in Hesse was well-prepared for potential incidents due to the weather forecast by the German Weather Service.
  2. In a separate incident, the fire department in Büdingen, located in the Wetterau district, was called to an empty house that had been struck by lightning.
  3. Fortunately, despite the material damage estimated at around 100,000 Euros, no injuries were reported in the Büdingen incident.
  4. The Police in the Wetterau district investigated the cause of the lightning strike and subsequent fire, working closely with the local fire department.

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