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Light aircraft comes off the runway: Pilot slightly injured

A light aircraft overshoots the runway when landing and overturns. The pilot has a stroke of luck.

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

Rendsburg-Eckernförde - Light aircraft comes off the runway: Pilot slightly injured

A pilot crashed his light aircraft during landing approach at Schachtholm Airfield (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district) on Thursday evening and sustained minor injuries. The 70-year-old was taken to a hospital but left it shortly after, according to police.

According to the police statement released on Friday morning, the single-engine Cessna Columbia 400 touched down in the middle of the runway and had insufficient braking effect. Consequently, the aircraft veered into the field behind the runway.

The fire department reported that the front wheel broke off. The aircraft rolled over once and landed on its roof. The aircraft, with an estimated resale value of approximately 365,000 Euros, suffered total damage. The airport operations had to be halted until the recovery of the aircraft.

Press release with photos

The incident sparked concerns within the local aviation community in Schleswig-Holstein, highlighting the importance of rigorous safety protocols during air traffic operations. Despite the unfortunate accident, the pilot managed to escape with only minor injuries, expressing unexpected happiness upon leaving the hospital. The police are currently investigating the causes of the incident, focusing on potential factors such as the runway conditions and the landing approach. The runway remains closed for repairs and regular inspections, affecting flights within the Rendsburg-Eckernförde district.

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