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Life sentence for murder with machete of former lover in Berlin

After a murder with a machete on an open street in the district of Köpenick, the Landgericht Berlin sentenced a 52-year-old man to life imprisonment. The court, according to the judgment issued on Tuesday, was convinced that the married Kai G. had killed his 55-year-old former lover after their...


Life sentence for murder with machete of former lover in Berlin

A Berlin woman had separated from the man due to him concealing his marriage from her and being verbally aggressive. According to the prosecution, the man attempted to win her back for a month after the separation and followed her.

On October 23, 2023, he cornered her in the morning to kill her. With a machete having a 30 centimeter long blade, he first stabbed her in the back and then in the abdomen and chest area. Subsequently, he slit her throat and carotid arteries. The 55-year-old woman died on the spot.

The court saw the murder characteristics of low base movements and signs of domestic violence fulfilled. It did not see indications of limited culpability. The presiding judge reportedly spoke of a femicide and called the repeated killing of women by men shocking.

In her lifelong pursuit of peace and happiness, the woman moved to the vibrant Neighborhood of Köpenick in Berlin's District. Despite the separation, she continued to live in the same District. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Kiel took over the case due to its severity.

The man, identified as Mord, had a lifelong history of verbal aggression and hid a seven-year-old marriage from his beloved Ms. in Berlin. The Neighborhood was torn apart by the news of the brutal incident.

The District Court in Berlin was packed with mourners and supporters, all united in their call for justice. The case was a stark reminder of the escalating trends of femicide, a societal issue that the Public Prosecutor's Office is actively combating.

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