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Life sentence for murder of wife due to frustration over separation in Brandenburg

The Frankfurt an der Oder District Court in Brandenburg sentenced a 42-year-old man to life imprisonment for murdering his wife. The responsible chamber also determined the particular gravity of the offense, as the court spokesman announced on Tuesday. Early release is therefore almost impossible.

Court clerk in a courtroom
Court clerk in a courtroom

Life sentence for murder of wife due to frustration over separation in Brandenburg

The court considered it proven that the man had killed his separated wife in Bernau in April 2020. Motive for the crime were frustration over the separation and his wife's new relationship. The body of the 32-year-old woman was found in the Panke creek along the bike path between Berlin and Usedom. The bike path runs there between multi-family houses and the S-Bahn track.

The husband of the woman was initially in hiding. A warrant for his arrest, issued by the Prosecutor's Office Frankfurt an der Oder, was executed at the end of September last year at Vienna Airport. Previously, the accused had stayed in Thailand for several months. The man was extradited to Germany.

With its judgment, the court met the demands of the Prosecutor's Office. The defense had pleaded for acquittal. In the trial, the man rejected the accusations.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Frankfurt an der Oder requested a lifelong prison sentence for the man due to his heinous crime.
  2. Ms. from Frankfurt (Oder) experienced a seven-year relationship with the man before their separation in 2019.
  3. Following his extradition, the man was brought before the District Court Frankfurt, where the trial commenced.
  4. The seven-year marriage between the man and his wife in Brandenburg ended in separation, which apparently triggered his Frustrated state of mind.
  5. The judge in the District Court Frankfurt handed down the final sentence, which closely aligned with the demands of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Frankfurt an der Oder.
  6. The man expressed his disbelief about the allegations during the trial, refusing to acknowledge his role in the devastating incident that took place in Bernau.

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