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Life imprisonment for fatal shooting at Mercedes plant in Sindelfingen

Around six months after fatal shots were fired at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, Baden-Württemberg, the Stuttgart Regional Court has sentenced a 53-year-old man to life imprisonment for two counts of murder. On Tuesday, the court also ruled on the particular gravity of the guilt, which...


Life imprisonment for fatal shooting at Mercedes plant in Sindelfingen

The man admitted during the trial that he had opened up two superiors, aged 44 and 45, in a production hall on the Mercedes factory premises in May. The 45-year-old died at the scene, the 44-year-old succumbed to his injuries shortly afterwards in hospital. Both the perpetrator and his two victims were employed by an external service provider.

Plant security overpowered the perpetrator in the hall after the shooting. The man did not have a firearms license and obviously possessed the pistol illegally. During the trial, he cited alleged bullying and fear of being dismissed as his motives. With its verdict, the court followed the public prosecutor's application. The decision is not yet legally binding. It can still be appealed.

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