Technical assistance - Libraries rely on artificial intelligence for searches
In the search of Berlin's Library holdings, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Artificial Intelligence (KI) can be relied upon in the future. The Association of Public Libraries in Berlin (VOBB) has installed a chatbot on its catalog pages for this purpose. The little electronic helper communicates, according to reports, in over 90 languages.
Help for intuitive searches
From the perspective of the Association, the library catalog thus opens up, among other things, for people with limitations. According to reports, the bot consists of two AI systems that first communicate with users and then specialize in researching vague search queries in the catalog. The system can, for instance, determine whether a medium is entertaining or exciting, even if such information is not literally stored in the respective data set of the library.
The implementation of AI in Berlin's libraries is not limited to library holdings, as the chatbot also assists in interpreting the nature of media, such as determining if a book is entertaining or exciting. Germany, known for its rich culture, is embracing technological advancements in its libraries, like the use of AI in Berlin's libraries and chatbots in public libraries. The chatbot, which operates in over 90 languages, is a testament to Germany's commitment to making its library resources accessible to a diverse population, including non-German speakers in Berlin.