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Lewentz: European polls spell calamity for socialist parties

In the wake of his party's losses in the European elections, Rhineland-Palatinate SPD leader Lewentz identifies mistakes committed by the federal government and calls for reforms.

Roger Lewentz (SPD), State Chairman of Rhineland-Palatinate, takes part in a press conference .
Roger Lewentz (SPD), State Chairman of Rhineland-Palatinate, takes part in a press conference .

Outcome of voting: - Lewentz: European polls spell calamity for socialist parties

The European election wasn't good for the German Social Democrats, as stated by the Rhineland-Palatinate SPD Chief Roger Lewentz. "We erred," Lewentz said to the German Press Agency in Mainz, addressing the federal government. "We've made people very uneasy." Lewentz brought up the Heating Law and Citizens' Money as examples. "In Berlin, a big change is necessary." "Now let's get to work, put together a more effective election campaign than the European election, take action in government, clear comments from the Chancellor - these can make us aggressive again." There's still time to make many adjustments.

"It was tangible how furious and displeased people still are today due to the insecurity that we caused with the Heating Law," Lewentz stated. Many see the Citizens' Money Law as unjust. "I believe that's incorrect," Lewentz underlined. But it failed in "demonstrating exactly what's included in it."

Lewentz saw the campaign for the European election as insufficiently organized in parts. The materials didn't arrive on time for the campaigners. And there was no joint image of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and SPD top candidate Katarina Barley on the posters. "If you can't spread optimism on a poster, it's not easy to inspire people with your campaign optimistically," noted Lewentz. For Barley, it was difficult to define her own emphasis in an election that was so heavily influenced by federal political themes.

"It was a challenging Sunday for the Social Democrats in Rhineland-Palatinate," Lewentz remarked, analyzing the outcomes of the municipal elections. Although, on the local level, one can convince people through one's actions, he said. "In the municipal election, you have the chance to come back, it's up to you, it's in your hands," stressed Lewentz, who was also re-elected to the district council (Rhein-Lahn-District). "I suggest paying close attention to the voters and basing politics over the next five years on what they have to say."

The election day was "very packed with federal politics." It was almost exclusively about "federal politics, federal politics, federal politics." Lewentz announced that he'll look at what can be learned from the local results. "We're on our way, albeit slowly, towards the Rhineland-Palatinate state election, but we have the federal election ahead of us first," he noted. "Between now and the federal election, federal politics will dominate."

The state parliament will be elected in 2026, the Bundestag in 2025. Lewentz left his role as Interior Minister after more than ten years in October 2022 because of the Ahr Valley flood disaster. As party leader, he was re-elected in November 2023 and intends to arrange his succession in this position at least until the end of 2025 in an amicable manner. Potential successors are constantly mentioned: Interior Minister Michael Ebling, Social and Labor Minister Alexander Schweitzer, and faction leader Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthaler.

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