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Less waste in Saxony's households

People in Saxony are producing less and less waste. Last year, private households and small businesses produced a total of 395 kilograms of waste per inhabitant, according to the State Office for the Environment on Thursday. This is 38 kilograms less than in the previous year. In a comparison...

Garbage cans in the driveway of a house.
Garbage cans in the driveway of a house.

Household waste - Less waste in Saxony's households

People in Saxony are producing less and less waste. Last year, private households and small businesses produced a total of 395 kilograms of waste per inhabitant, according to the State Office for the Environment on Thursday. This is 38 kilograms less than in the previous year. In a comparison of the federal states, the Free State recorded the second lowest volume behind Berlin with 357 kilograms per capita. Nationwide, the amount of household waste in 2022 was 438 kilograms per inhabitant.

In Saxony, the quantities of residual waste and bulky waste also decreased by 13 kilograms per inhabitant, while a decrease of eleven kilograms was recorded for separately collected recyclables.

Communication from the State Office Waste Balance Saxony 2022

Read also:

  1. The decrease in household waste in Saxony has positive implications for the local environment, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future for the region.
  2. Despite Saxony's success in reducing household waste, the city of Berlin still maintains the lowest per capita waste production, highlighting the need for continued efforts towards waste reduction across Germany.
  3. In an effort to further reduce waste, many households in Saxony and other regions are implementing recycling programs and adopting eco-friendly habits, such as composting organic waste and reducing food waste.
  4. The State Office for the Environment in Dresden is also promoting initiatives to encourage waste prevention and recycling, aiming to lower waste production in both residential and commercial sectors.




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