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Less binge drinking among children and young people in the north

Time and again, children and young people drink so much alcohol that they have to go to hospital. The overall trend is slightly downwards. But the trend among teenage girls is a cause for concern.

Kerstin von der Decken (CDU), Minister of Justice and Health, speaks in the
Kerstin von der Decken (CDU), Minister of Justice and Health, speaks in the Schleswig-Holstein state

Less binge drinking among children and young people in the north

Small decline in the treatment of alcohol poisoning in children and adolescents in Schleswig-Holstein hospitals: According to the State Statistical Office, the number of cases fell by one percent in 2022 compared to the previous year to 361, as reported by the health insurance company DAK-Gesundheit. It was the fifth decline in a row.

In 2022, 183 boys and 178 girls between the ages of 10 and 19 were treated in a clinic in Schleswig-Holstein after alcohol abuse. The number of males affected fell by 29 compared to the previous year, while the number of females increased by 27. The largest increase was among 15 to 19-year-old schoolgirls at 27 percent.

"Fortunately, the downward trend in affected children and adolescents is continuing," says Cord-Eric Lubinski, regional head of DAK-Gesundheit in Schleswig-Holstein. "The increase in the number of 15 to 19-year-old girls gives us cause for concern. Because: every alcohol poisoning of a young person is still one too many."

Health Minister Kerstin von der Decken (CDU) and the DAK are continuing the "bunt statt blau" (colorful instead of blue) poster campaign against alcohol abuse among children and young people in Schleswig-Holstein. Now in its 15th year, the DAK is looking for the best poster ideas from schoolchildren aged between 12 and 17 on the subject of binge drinking. Von der Decken is the patron of the campaign.

The winners of the nationwide poster competition "colorful instead of blue" will receive cash prizes totaling around 12,000 euros. The closing date for entries is March 31, 2024.

The ongoing decrease in alcohol-related issues among youth in Schleswig-Holstein is commendable, yet the surge in alcohol poisoning cases among 15 to 19-year-old girls is a concerning health trend. Efforts to educate children about the dangers of drug use, including alcohol, are crucial to protect our young population's well-being.


