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Legislative body addressess radicalism and aggression.

An investigative group ought to examine instances of violence from both political sides. In the conclusion of their findings, the panel urges caution and signals a potential threat to democratic processes.

A session of the Thuringian state parliament.
A session of the Thuringian state parliament.

Political Affairs - Legislative body addressess radicalism and aggression.

The Thuringia State Legislature is set to discuss the findings of a committee investigating politically-motivated violence on Friday (session begins at 10:00 am). The lawmakers express growing worry over the increasing instances of attacks on democracy, given the rising number of crimes, threats, coercions, and intimidations against those in public office and their candidates. The final report's evaluation portion reflects their concerns.

Each faction shared its distinct standpoints separately. For instance, the Left party suggested the need for a separate committee to investigate right-wing extremism.

The committee on political violence was formed with the impetus of the CDU to provide insight into the rising trends of left-wing and right-wing violence.

Agenda link

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