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Legal action against Amazon Prime: Over 18,500 claims filed

Multitudes of homes are participating in a collective lawsuit targeting Amazon in Germany concerning the Prime Video streaming platform, disclosed the Saxony Consumer Advice Center over the weekend. A total of 18,534 customers have recorded their grievances, following the unveiling of the...

The Amazon Prime Video application can be seen on the display of an iPhone SE.
The Amazon Prime Video application can be seen on the display of an iPhone SE.

Online video transmission - Legal action against Amazon Prime: Over 18,500 claims filed

A streaming service offered its viewers a choice: watch ads while streaming or pay extra 3 euros a month for an ad-free experience. According to the Consumer Center Saxony, these changes required customers' approval before implementation. They initiated a class-action lawsuit against the company, emphasizing their resolve to take on big corporations even if it's resource-intensive. Andreas Eichhorst, the managing director of Consumer Center Saxony, stated, "Companies like Amazon are not invincible. Despite the challenges, we're determined to challenge this behavior." Interested individuals can register their complaints at the Federal Office of Justice, or seek assistance from the Consumer Center Saxony. Amazon initially countered these claims earlier this year, asserting compliance with all legal requirements.

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