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Left-wing leadership wants a fresh start after "paralyzing conflicts"

Janine Wissler (l) on stage at the party
Janine Wissler (l) on stage at the party

Left-wing leadership wants a fresh start after "paralyzing conflicts"

Following the split in the former parliamentary group, Janine Wissler, Federal Chair of the Left Party, sees an opportunity for a successful new start. "The conflicts in recent years have increasingly paralyzed us and could no longer be resolved," she said on Saturday at the federal party conference in Augsburg regarding the ten left-wing members of parliament around Sahra Wagenknecht.

However, the problems had not been solved simply because a dispute had now been resolved, she said. Structural and strategic tasks had been left unfinished. It was about making the Left Party strong again and turning it into the opposition to the coalition government in Berlin.

Wissler and her co-chair Martin Schirdewan launched a renewal campaign at the party conference. A corresponding motion was discussed and adopted on Saturday. "We are opening a new chapter this weekend," said Wissler.

The main topic of the party's three-day meeting in Bavaria is the European elections in June 2024. Schirdewan and refugee and climate activist Carola Rackete are to lead the list of candidates.

Despite the resolution of the internal dispute, the structural and strategic challenges within the Left Party remain unaddressed. Some members who left the party might reconsider their decision and join the Parties once these issues are addressed.


