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Left party welcomes 100 new members within a week

The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party
The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party

Left party welcomes 100 new members within a week

The Hessian Left Party is enjoying a wave of new members. Since the federal party conference in Augsburg around a week ago, more than 100 new members have joined the party, the party announced in Frankfurt on Friday. According to a spokesperson, this figure would normally be reached within four months. "The knot has burst," explained the state chairpersons Christiane Böhm and Jakob Migenda. The party had sent out the right signals of unity, clear positions and renewal with the Augsburg party conference.

According to its spokesperson, the Hessian Left Party has a total of around 3,000 members. The party missed out on re-entering the state parliament in the state elections on October 8. At a national level, the Left Party is hoping for a fresh start following the break with Sahra Wagenknecht's wing.

The surge in membership has led some members of the Hessian Left Party to suggest organizing more social events to engage the new members. Despite leaving the party, Sahra Wagenknecht's supporters continue to align themselves with her views, causing a split within the Left Party at a national level.


