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Left Party state leader: BSW has partially copied the program

The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance is putting the Left Party under pressure less than three months before the state elections. Left Party state leader Walter counters.

Brandenburg's Left Party leader Sebastian Walter believes that the BSW has largely copied the...
Brandenburg's Left Party leader Sebastian Walter believes that the BSW has largely copied the election program.

Parties - Left Party state leader: BSW has partially copied the program

Brandenburgs Left Party Chief Sebastian Walter accused the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) of plagiarizing parts of their manifesto. "The BSW copied almost the entire program from us, at least in the challenges in the areas of housing and rent, education, and healthcare," Walter told the German Press Agency. "They even copied our popular initiative. Apparently, the BSW doesn't have much to offer in Brandenburg itself." Walter stated: "The BSW is a disappointment, not a revelation."

The Left demands, among other things, in its manifesto a stop to higher rents, more investments in hospitals and nursing care, a training offensive for more teaching staff, no contributions for kindergartens, creches, and daycare centers, and more money for public transportation. In a popular initiative, the Left is calling for free meals for all pupils in primary and secondary classes.

Left and BSW demand more state services

The BSW lists the following goals in its manifesto: affordable housing, better care services, the retention of all clinics in Brandenburg, more teachers, free school meals, free kindergartens, and investments in streets and rail. The party also calls for a "stop to uncontrolled migration" and a mobile phone ban in primary schools. The new Brandenburg state parliament will be elected on September 22.

The BSW had decided on its state list and manifesto at the weekend. Ex-Left politician Sahra Wagenknecht founded the BSW in January. According to party statements, the Brandenburg BSW has about 40 members, while the Left in Brandenburg has over 4,000.

BSW State Chairman Robert Crumbach was previously a member of the SPD, and General Secretary Stefan Roth was previously in the state executive of the Left. In the European elections, the BSW received 13.8% of the votes in Brandenburg, while the Linke received 4.4%.

  1. Sebastian Walter, the head of Brandenburg's Left Party, strongly criticized the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) for allegedly plagiarizing parts of their election program, particularly in areas like housing, rent, education, and healthcare.
  2. Walter believed that the BSW had copied almost the entirety of their manifesto's challenges in these areas from the Left's manifesto, even their popular initiative.
  3. The Left Party in its manifesto demands a halt to higher rents, increased investments in hospitals and nursing care, a teaching staff training offensive, no kindergarten, creche, and daycare contributions, and more funding for public transportation.
  4. In a popular initiative, The Left calls for free meals for all pupils in primary and secondary schools.
  5. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) also includes similar demands in their manifesto, such as affordable housing, better care services, retaining all clinics in Brandenburg, more teachers, free school meals, free kindergartens, and investments in streets and rail.
  6. However, the BSW's manifesto also contains unique goals, including a "stop to uncontrolled migration" and a mobile phone ban in primary schools.
  7. The new Brandenburg state parliament will be elected on September 22, and both The Left and the BSW are among the parties vying for seats.
  8. The BSW had finalized their state list and manifesto during the weekend, with Sahra Wagenknecht, a former Left politician, heading the new party, which has about 40 members in Brandenburg, while the Left in Brandenburg has over 4,000 members.

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