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A caregiver walks down the hallway with a resident in a nursing home.

Left party demands state care allowance

The Left Party faction in the state parliament is calling for a state care allowance to limit co-payments for care. People in need of care in Saxony-Anhalt should receive an income-related financial subsidy, as outlined in a motion for next week's state parliament session. The parliamentary group is also calling for the state to fully cover the investment costs for care facilities. The aim is to prevent rising costs from being passed on to care home residents.

The motion states that the co-payments for an inpatient care place have risen significantly. While these were still around 1130 euros per month on average in 2017, this year they are 2150 euros per month in the first year of residence.

The Left Party advocates for Parliament to implement a long-term care insurance scheme that includes state care allowances, reduction of co-payments. This would provide income-related financial assistance to individuals requiring care in Saxony-Anhalt. Recognizing the soaring expenses, the party urges Parliament to entirely fund the infrastructure investments for care facilities, aiming to shield care home residents from escalating costs.


