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Left: CDU draft on migration policy partly "inhumane"

The CDU wants to house migrants with little prospect of remaining in Germany in deportation centers. Representatives of the Left, SPD and Greens reacted with horror. The AfD could once again tip the scales.

Katharina König-Preuss speaks at a special session of the Thuringian state parliament.
Katharina König-Preuss speaks at a special session of the Thuringian state parliament.

Refugees - Left: CDU draft on migration policy partly "inhumane"

"Inhumane", "places of hopelessness": a CDU proposal to set up deportation centers for refugees in Thuringia has led to fierce controversy in the state parliament. Green parliamentary group leader Astrid Rothe-Beinlich accused the Christian Democrats of symbolic politics in parliament in Erfurt on Thursday. The 49-year-old said that the bill was aimed solely at sealing people off and isolating them.

With its draft bill, the CDU proposed setting up central accommodation facilities for people who have little prospect of staying, following the example of Bavaria. The CDU speaks of "reception and repatriation centers", while left-wing migration politician Katharina König-Preuss called the proposed accommodation "camps". In Bavaria, such facilities are called "anchor centers".

At several points, the CDU draft contains "nothing but an inhumane, inhuman and in part racist policy that does not assume that people who flee here have a right to stay here", said König-Preuss.

CDU migration politician Stefan Schard said in the state parliament that the aim was to optimize structures. "In our municipalities, all capacities are exhausted and Thuringia must therefore change course." He accused the red-red-green party of failing to get "the crisis" under control "And they have failed because of their own moral ideas."

Rothe-Beinlich said that the centers proposed by the CDU were "places of hopelessness". Such concepts had failed in other federal states.

In the past, the CDU has already passed several bills in the Thuringian parliament with the help of the AfD and against the will of the governing coalition. The governing coalition of the Left, SPD and Greens does not have its own majority in parliament.

The AfD initially left it open as to whether it could vote in favor of the bill. AfD MP Ringo Mühlmann announced that his parliamentary group would vote in favor of a committee referral, but would only decide whether to approve the bill after the committee's work. Thuringia's AfD parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke spoke of "mass migration" and called for an end to "the influx". He said that perhaps a compromise could still be found in the committee.

State Secretary of the Interior Katharina Schenk said it would be good if the draft was discussed critically in the committee. She was referring to the proposal, also contained in the draft, to create a central immigration authority. The draft was referred to the Migration Committee.

Read also:

  1. Despite the controversial CDU proposal for deportation centers, Alliance 90/The Greens in Thuringia firmly opposes the proposed "camps" for refugees.
  2. Katharina König-Preuss, a prominent left-wing migration politician, criticized the CDU draft as inhumane and racist, with no regard for the rights of refugees.
  3. Stefan Schard, a CDU migration politician, defended the bill, claiming it was necessary to optimize structures and address the exhaustion of capacities in Thuringia's municipalities.
  4. Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, the Green parliamentary group leader, described the proposed CDU centers as "places of hopelessness", believing they would fail to solve the issue, as seen in other federal states.
  5. The ruling coalition in Thuringia, consisting of the Left, SPD, and Greens, lacks a majority in the state parliament, making it reliant on the support of parties like the AfD to pass bills.
  6. AfD parliamentarian Ringo Mühlmann announced that his group would support a committee referral but would decide later on approving the entire bill, expressing concern over "mass migration" in Thuringia.
  7. In Bavaria, similar "anchor centers" have been established to handle refugee accommodation and repatriation, a practice the CDU aims to emulate in its proposal.
  8. State Secretary of the Interior Katharina Schenk suggested that the draft should be examined critically in the Migration Committee, particularly in regards to the establishment of a central immigration authority.




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