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Lecture hall ceiling collapses: clean-up work has begun

Around two and a half weeks after the collapse of the ceiling of a lecture hall at Marburg's Philipps University, the clean-up work has begun. This was announced by a university spokesperson on Wednesday evening. On the night of December 3rd, a wooden coffered ceiling collapsed in the lecture...

Parts of the ceiling have fallen to the floor in a lecture hall at the University of Marburg.
Parts of the ceiling have fallen to the floor in a lecture hall at the University of Marburg.

Universities - Lecture hall ceiling collapses: clean-up work has begun

Around two and a half weeks after the collapse of the ceiling of a lecture hall at Marburg's Philipps University, the clean-up work has begun. This was announced by a university spokesperson on Wednesday evening. On the night of December 3rd, a wooden coffered ceiling collapsed in the lecture hall of the so-called Landgrafenhaus, which was built in 1924 and is one of the university's larger lecture halls with around 400 seats. No one was injured as no one was in the building at the time. University President Thomas Nauss expressed relief that no one was injured in the incident.

Meanwhile, the structural engineer's report is not yet available. The university estimates that the lecture hall will probably not be usable for a year. The Landgrafenhaus is also expected to remain closed until at least mid-January 2024. Courses have been postponed or are taking place online.

The damage to the historic building, which houses part of the law department, was initially estimated to be worth at least six figures. The building houses several lecture halls and seminar rooms as well as offices for the Faculty of Law. It is primarily used for courses in the Law and Economics departments.

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