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Leaders Kim and Putin initiate talks, marked by formal proceedings, in Pyongyang.

Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un commenced their meeting, as evident from a ceremony held on Kim Il Sung Square, officially signaling its onset. According to Russian news sources Interfax and Ria Novosti, Putin's motorcade traversed to the square, a common...

Kim (l.) and Putin on his arrival in Pyongyang
Kim (l.) and Putin on his arrival in Pyongyang

Leaders Kim and Putin initiate talks, marked by formal proceedings, in Pyongyang.

Evening before, Kim welcomed Putin at the airport, as the internationally secluded leaders of their respective states embraced on the red carpet, affirming the growing closeness of their countries' relationship.

Putin's second visit to this country, since becoming Russia's President in 2000, marks a notable occasion. During his initial tenure, he visited Kim Jong Il of North Korea in North Korea itself – a seldom-visited nation in diplomatic circles. The isolated state is alleged to have been providing military support to Russia in Ukraine, supplying weapons. North Korea, however, has vehemently denied these accusations as "absurd". Amidst these allegations, Putin is on a mission to acquire more ammo. Kim and Putin previously met in September, during Kim's trip to Russia's Far East.

Putin's visit symbolizes the "invincibility and endurance" of the bilateral relationships between the two nations, as reported by the state North Korean news agency KCNA. Accompanied by a substantial delegation, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Putin is making his journey to Vietnam following his visit to North Korea.

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