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Lawsuits against Amazon Prime reach 18,500 in group claim.

Advertising during streaming or opting for ad-free viewing in the future could incur a higher fee – almost three euros extra per month – and consumer advocacy groups are responding with legal action.

The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) wants to take legal action against the...
The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) wants to take legal action against the streaming service Amazon Prime Video.

News Outlets Transform Content - Lawsuits against Amazon Prime reach 18,500 in group claim.

Approximately 18,534 households in Germany are joining a legal battle against Amazon over their streaming service, Prime Video. The consumer court, Consumer Center Saxony, announced this on Friday. This registry was opened on May 23 and will remain so until June 21. Anyone with an Amazon Prime subscription prior to February 5, and who had to pay for it, can take part in this legal action.

Amazon had choices presented to their customers - either watch adverts during streaming, or pay about three euros more to not view these ads. The Consumer Center Saxony believes that this change can only be made with the explicit consent of customers, which is why they're filing a class action lawsuit. "Amazon can't be regarded as untouchable. We realize it will take a lot of effort to fight against such a powerful company, but we're determined and show our disapproval of this sort of behavior," explains Andreas Eichhorst, the managing director of the Consumer Center Saxony.

To sign up for the legal action, people can register at the Federal Office of Justice. The Consumer Center Saxony is also offering assistance. Amazon has previously denied these accusations and asserts they've followed all legal requirements.

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