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Lawsuit against EU border protection agency Frontex over alleged pushbacks fails

A lawsuit brought by a Syrian against the EU border protection agency Frontex has failed before the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg. This was announced by the court on Wednesday evening. He had reported an illegal refoulement, a so-called pushback, from Greece. However, he had...

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Lawsuit against EU border protection agency Frontex over alleged pushbacks fails

The Syrian stated that he had traveled by boat from Turkey to Greece with a group of asylum seekers. However, they had not been able to apply for asylum, but had been taken back to the open sea. There, the refugees' boat was flown over several times by a Frontex aircraft. The following day, the Turkish coast guard brought them back to Turkey.

The man argued that he had no right to asylum in Turkey, which is why there was a constant risk of deportation to Syria. He sued for half a million euros in damages.

However, he was not successful. The claim lacked a legal basis, the EU court declared. The plaintiff had not been able to prove that he had even been present at the incident he claimed. The court's decision can be appealed before the European Court of Justice.

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