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Lawrow: Russia is ready to collaborate with "every US State Leader"

Three and a half months before the US Presidential election, the Russian government has expressed readiness to cooperate with the next US president. 'We will work with any US head of state chosen by the American people and willing to conduct a fair and respectful dialogue', Foreign Minister...

Lawrow at his UN press conference
Lawrow at his UN press conference

Lawrow: Russia is ready to collaborate with "every US State Leader"

We worked with President Trump, Lavrov replied when asked how relations between Washington and Moscow would change if the Republican ex-President Donald Trump was re-elected. During Trump's tenure, sanctions against Russia had indeed been imposed. But still, "there was a dialogue between us and Washington at the highest level," Lavrov said. "There isn't such a dialogue now."

The stance of the Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance, who rejects US support for Ukraine in the war against Russia, was welcomed by Lavrov. "He is for peace, for ending the previous support, and that's something we can only welcome. Because that's what we need: for Ukraine not to be pumped full of weapons anymore, and then the war will end," the Russian foreign minister said.

Trump was officially nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential election on November 5 at the Republican Party convention on Monday. In the past, he has expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin numerous times. Trump has also announced that he would end the Ukraine war before taking office in January if elected.

On the other hand, the incumbent President Joe Biden is a harsh critic of Putin. Relations between Washington and Moscow have significantly deteriorated during his tenure due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Biden intends to run for a second term, but he faces doubts about his mental fitness from within his own Democratic Party and increasing demands for him to withdraw from the presidential race.

  1. Lavrov expressed hope for improved relations with Washington if Governor of the United States, Donald Trump, is re-elected in the Presidential election.
  2. Each instance of dialogue between Moscow and Washington during Trump's tenure, according to Lavrov, occurred at the highest level.
  3. Sergej Lawrow welcomed the stance of Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance, who supports ending US support for Ukraine in its war against Russia.
  4. Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate for the Presidential election on November 5 was celebrated by some in Russia, given his past admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  5. Despite the positive sentiment towards Trump in Russia, frictions between the United States of America and Russia continue under President Joe Biden's leadership due to Russia's actions in Ukraine.
  6. If re-elected, Trump has pledged to end the Ukraine war before taking office in January, a promise that has been met with both interest and controversy in both Washington and Moscow.

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