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Lawn care: The necessity of lawn scarifying for a beautiful garden

It's time for a refreshing change.

Mechanical measures such as scarifying and aerating are spring and fall activities.
Mechanical measures such as scarifying and aerating are spring and fall activities.

Lawn care: The necessity of lawn scarifying for a beautiful garden

Coming up soon is the football European championship. One can't help but notice how green and vibrant the playing fields appear. It's enough to make homeowners of lawns feel a bit envious. Luckily, there are methods for achieving a denser, greener, and healthier lawn.

Spring is the time for vertical mowing, a crucial step for a healthy, lush lawn. This process involves removing moss and thatch, which allows the lawn to breathe better and absorb water and nutrients more effectively. The result? A lusher, greener, and healthier lawn that's sure to enhance any garden.

Ideal Timing for Lawn Rejuvenation

Mechanical methods like vertical mowing and aeration are most effective in the spring and fall seasons. In the summer, it's best to avoid such drastic measures to allow the lawn to cope with the heat stress. If moss and weeds persist despite this, it's advisable to wait for a time when temperatures and humidity levels are more favorable.

Choosing the Right Vertical Mower for You

Depending on your garden size and personal preferences, there are several types of vertical mowers to choose from:

  • Hand-powered vertical mowers: ideal for smaller areas or those who enjoy manual labor. These tools are cost-effective and easy to operate, but may require some physical strength.
  • Electric vertical mowers: a common choice for most gardens. With their lighter weight and easy maneuverability, they're perfect for most homes. Just be careful with the power cable to avoid getting caught in the blades.
  • Gasoline-powered vertical mowers: best for large gardens. These powerful tools can handle larger areas and are self-sufficient in terms of power.
  • Battery-powered vertical mowers: the best of both worlds in terms of power and flexibility. Perfect for medium-sized gardens and quiet operation.

When making your purchase, consider not only the size of your garden but also the adjustment options for cutting depth. The blades should only slightly touch the ground to avoid causing damage.

The Vertical Mowing Process

The ideal time to vertical mow is when the lawn begins to sprout in the spring. Before the actual mowing, the grass should be trimmed to around four centimeters. After the treatment, the lawn may initially appear worn out, but don't worry - it's normal. Seeding and proper fertilization will help it bounce back quickly.

Check for Dryness: It's best if the lawn is dry for easier handling.

Start Slow: Begin with a cutting depth of about two millimeters to check the lawn's response.

Increase Depth if Needed: If not all the thatch has been removed, increase the depth gradually.

Maintain a Fast Speed: Keep the speed up to avoid causing too much damage.

Go in Different Directions: First mow lengthwise, then crosswise for optimal results.

Adjust the Guide Wheel: Lower the guide wheel when changing direction to prevent the blades from going too deep into the ground.

Clean Up: After the job is done, gather the dead material and spread new seed, if needed.

Vertical Mowing Alternatives

If vertical mowing isn't your cup of tea or you're seeking other methods to keep your lawn healthy, here are some options:

  • Aeration: By punching holes in the lawn, this process improves aeration and promotes root growth and water absorption.
  • Sanding: After aeration, sprinkle sand over the lawn to enhance drainage and support soil aeration.
  • Fertilizing: Regular application of fertilizers ensures the lawn gets the nutrients it needs for healthy growth and defense against moss and thatch.
  • Raking: A rake can be used to remove moss and dead materials in a less intense manner, ideal for less mossy sections of the lawn.
  • Frequent Mowing: Frequent mowing encourages dense growth and keeps moss at bay.
  • Topdressing: Spreading a thin layer of soil over the lawn improves soil quality and provides better growing conditions.

With the right tool and a bit of care, your lawn will soon be looking great again. So, get your vertical mower ready and lend a hand to your garden.

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