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Law enforcement vehicle engulfed in flames; Investigation underway involving two individuals

Two law enforcement vehicles are engulfed in flames outside a police headquarters in Dortmund. Subsequently, officers apprehend two potential culprits.

In front of Dortmund's police station, two patrol vehicles went up in flames.
In front of Dortmund's police station, two patrol vehicles went up in flames.

- Law enforcement vehicle engulfed in flames; Investigation underway involving two individuals

In Dortmund, two police patrol vehicles went up in flames, sparking investigations against two young females. As per police records, the authorities successfully contained and put out the flames detected during morning hours with the help of fire extinguishers. There were also traces of arson attempt discovered on a third patrol vehicle.

Further analysis of security camera footage from the police station led to the temporary detention of two females, both 20 years old, at the main station. At present, there's no hint towards a political or spiritual motivation, the police confirmed. The investigation is still in progress.

One patrol car endured severe damage to its engine area due to the blaze. Preliminary police estimates suggest that the total damage might reach around 60,000 euros.

The temporary detainees are reportedly questioned about their involvement with the damaged patrol cars. Despite the damage to one patrol car, all other patrol vehicles are still on patrol duty.

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