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Law enforcement responds to assault incident at Pax Europa rally in Mannheim.

A stabbing incident at a Pax Europa stand, an organization that is hostile towards Islam, has left people in shock. The group remains undeterred and is protesting in Dortmund under tight police guard.

Members of the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa.
Members of the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa.

Radical Beliefs - Law enforcement responds to assault incident at Pax Europa rally in Mannheim.

Approximately a week following a stabbing incident near a Pax Europa event in Mannheim, the group hosted a rally in Dortmund under the watchful eye of heavy police presence. "We've got a sizable amount of officers on-site," a police spokesperson informed the German Press Agency over the weekend. In addition to regular police uniforms, there were also non-uniformed civil servants present.

The exact number of officers present was not disclosed by the spokesperson for strategic reasons. The entire event was enclosed by two rows of fences, with police officers standing between them for enhanced security. The event's access points were also monitored, as per the spokesperson.

"This is an extra safety measure, as determined by the threat assessment. The events in Mannheim certainly influenced this assessment, so the security measures were ramped up," the spokesperson stated. There were occasional verbal disputes with attendees, typical of such demonstrations, however, the overall atmosphere was "very calm."

Pax Europa had anticipated a gathering of 30 to 40 people, as they announced themselves. "We're securely protected by the police and double fences. It's all peaceful," Pax Europa's treasurer Stefanie Kizina stated to the dpa. She had previously mentioned that there were no plans for any personal security team.

The injured Pax Europa board member, Michael Stürzenberger, was not present on that Saturday. "It'll take some time for him to recuperate before he returns," Kizina informed the dpa. Cancelling the rally due to the previous incidents was dismissed as "a highly inappropriate move."

A 25-year-old Afghan male had injured five participants of a Pax Europa event in Mannheim on the previous Friday, as well as a police officer with a knife. The 29-year-old officer eventually succumbed to his injuries. The attacker was fired at by a police officer during the attack and subsequently underwent surgery. Due to his wounds, he was unable to provide any more information to the authorities in the recent days.

Read also:

  1. The stabbing incident in Mannheim, which involved a knife attack and extremist beliefs, prompted a heavy police presence at a subsequent Pax Europa rally in Dortmund, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
  2. Despite the tensions following the knife attack in Mannheim, Pax Europa's treasurer, Stefanie Kizina, expressed confidence in the safety measures put in place by the police in Dortmund.
  3. The European demonstrations, including the one in Dortmund, were closely monitored by law enforcement agencies in response to the rise of extremism and violent incidents, such as the knife attack in Mannheim.
  4. The German Press Agency reported that the events in Mannheim significantly contributed to the heightened security measures during the Pax Europa rally in Dortmund, demonstrating the impact of extremism and violence on public gatherings.
  5. While Pax Europa's events in Dortmund were being safeguarded by the police and double fences, the city of Mannheim, around 200 kilometers away in the southwest of Germany, continued to grapple with the aftermath of the knife attack, highlighting the widespread challenge of extremism and crime across Europe.

