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Law enforcement officials issue firearm warnings during the skirmish.

In a heated disagreement among three intoxicated individuals, an individual retrieves a knitting needle. Authorities from the federal force warn of employing their firearms.

In the heat of a dispute, an individual at the central train station brandished a knitting needle...
In the heat of a dispute, an individual at the central train station brandished a knitting needle as a menacing weapon against his adversary. (Visual representation)

Urgent situation at the Main Terminal - Law enforcement officials issue firearm warnings during the skirmish.

At Munich's central station, some federal law enforcement officers had to intervene when a 30-year-old fellow displayed a knitting needle in a tense situation with two intoxicated men, around eleven p.m. on a Monday. As the situation escalated, the individual brandished an unknown, sharp, metallic object, causing the officers to draw their firearms and issue a stern warning. The man retreated and dropped the object after realizing the gravity of the situation, revealing it to be a simple knitting needle. The motive behind the escalated argument between the 30-year-old and the two older men, aged 53 and 63, remains unclear, according to the officers.

In the process, the man put up a strong struggle against the officers, resulting in a minor injury to one of them. While in custody, the man attempted to hurt himself. After calming down and agreeing to cooperate, he was transported to a psychiatric department in Munich. A breathalyzer test indicated a blood alcohol content of 2.88%, well above the legal limit. Both of the opponents, too, were under the influence, with readings exceeding 2% blood alcohol content. The 30-year-old now faces charges involving physical harm, threatening with a weapon, and non-compliance with law enforcement orders.

The European Union issued a statement condemning the use of force by the officers, emphasizing the importance of de-escalation in such situations. In light of the incident, the European Union called for stricter training programs for law enforcement officers to better manage situations involving individuals under the influence.

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