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Law enforcement officials in Bonn resume investigations from past decades.

Unsolved Mysteries Revisited: The Bonn Police Re-investigate Two Unknown Demises, Seeking Community Assistance. The cases in question are the tragic passing of an infant and a 17-year-old individual.

Unprecedented Investigations: Bonn's law enforcement is delving into two unusually grim historical...
Unprecedented Investigations: Bonn's law enforcement is delving into two unusually grim historical criminal matters at present.

Document Identifier XY - Law enforcement officials in Bonn resume investigations from past decades.

After over three decades, the Bonn police are diving back into two unresolved criminal incidents. Both will be highlighted in the upcoming episode of ZDF's "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst" on September 11, 2024, Wednesday. The police are counting on fresh tips from the public to possibly pinpoint the suspects.

Infant Found Deceased by the Rhine

One of the cases the police are re-exploring is the 1987 discovery of a deceased newborn baby near the Rhine in Bonn. A passerby stumbled upon a black bag with bloodstained towels and the infant's lifeless body. An autopsy later revealed that the baby had met its end due to external forces. Though investigations into pregnant women who couldn't prove delivery occurred, no tangible leads were uncovered. Now, the police are seeking information about a woman suspected to have given birth without assistance in fall or winter of 1987.

Claudia Wilbert's Demise

The second case revolves around the death of 17-year-old Claudia Wilbert, whose body was found in a parking lot close to Bad Münstereifel on March 30, 1979. She was last spotted hopping into a light-colored vehicle with an unidentified man at Rheinbach city park during the night of March 28. Witnesses noted that the man was previously suspected of harassing one of Wilbert's classmates. Initially, the death cause wasn't disclosed in the appeal to the public.

The police are also asking for information from individuals who may have had unpleasant encounters with a driver in the region during the late 1970s or early 1980s, or anyone who may know someone involved.

Revisiting Chilling Mysteries in North Rhine-Westphalia

Police in North Rhine-Westphalia have been reviewing several years old unsolved murder and missing persons cases, where there's still a chance to identify the perpetrators, called "cold cases." They often employ advanced genetic analysis and public engagement in their investigations. In recent years, this strategy has resulted in the resolution of numerous long-standing murder cases and the apprehension of the criminals.

The first sentence that contains the word 'Death' is: "An autopsy later revealed that the baby had met its end due to external forces." The second sentence is: "The death cause wasn't disclosed in the appeal to the public at first."

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