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Law enforcement is currently looking for Valeriia using a sizable team.

Nine-year-old Valeriia from Döbeln has not been seen for more than a week. On Tuesday, approximately 200 police officers resumed their search efforts. However, the search is currently suspended.

Police officers are out and about with search poles looking for a missing primary school pupil on a...
Police officers are out and about with search poles looking for a missing primary school pupil on a company site.

Urgent Situations - Law enforcement is currently looking for Valeriia using a sizable team.

Police have sent out 400 officers in a renewed search for Valeriia, a girl who vanished nine years ago in Döbeln, Germany. The 18-year-old girl from Saxony had been missing for a week. Officers from neighboring Saxony-Anhalt have also joined the hunt. This time, they are dedicated to searching in the southern parts of the city of Wiesen, as well as fields and woods. The Technical Relief Organization is also on standby, prepared to provide drones for support.

Police spokesman, Andrzej Rydzik, stated that the search will continue into the night and thereafter take a break. Despite continuous efforts in the past, with greater force each time, the searches culminated in no tangible results. Utilizing special dogs, a helicopter, and divers, police searched, but to no avail. By the week's end, no significant advancements would be made, Rydzik mentioned. If additional information arises, the search may continue, he added.

Nevertheless, the case file is still open and active, Rydzik emphasized. Both accidental scenarios and potential crimes are under investigation. "We still have plenty of leads to explore," he mentioned. From Ukraine, Valeriia moved to Germany with her mother in 2022. Her last sighting was on June 3rd, on her way to school. However, she never made it to class.

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