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Law enforcement authorities are conducting an inquiry following a blaze in an automobile owned by a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

An AFDP member's vehicle is engulfed in flames in Lübeck. Authorities are probing the matter; the party labels it a suspected arson.

A police patrol car is on duty with flashing blue lights.
A police patrol car is on duty with flashing blue lights.

Lübeck: A town in Germany - Law enforcement authorities are conducting an inquiry following a blaze in an automobile owned by a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The car belonging to a former member of the Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the city of Lübeck has been set ablaze. The local authorities are currently probing the incident and are leaving no stone unturned, with arson among the possibilities. The blaze was spotted early in the morning at approximately 2:30 am in the St. Lorenz district. The deputy chairman of the AfD in the same city, Julian Flak, referred to it as an arson attack. Luckily, there were no casualties. The incident resulted in extensive material damage.

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