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Lauterbach wants to give nursing staff more medical skills

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to give well-trained nursing staff more medical skills and thus make their profession more attractive. "Nursing is allowed to do less than it can," said Lauterbach on Tuesday in Berlin. This is a "huge problem". The new Nursing Competence Act...


Lauterbach wants to give nursing staff more medical skills

According to the SPD politician, he wants to "significantly expand" the competencies of nursing staff. In future, they would be able to decide for themselves on the use of certain dressings, ointments or catheters. Certain nursing staff would also be allowed to prescribe aids and medication. There are also plans to establish corresponding nursing courses at Master's level.

"We have set ourselves an ambitious law," said Lauterbach at the presentation of a key points paper. A draft bill should be available in the next few weeks. The minister also hopes that the reform will make the nursing profession more attractive. He emphasized that this is necessary as Germany is facing a shortage of doctors and nurses.

The German Nursing Council, an umbrella organization of nursing associations, welcomed the legislative initiative. "We are grateful," said its president, Christine Vogler. The key issues paper contains much of what the Nursing Council has been calling for. This would create a highly attractive profession. Vogler spoke of "a quantum leap for nursing".

Lauterbach also received approval from the medical profession. The President of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, called the planned law a "significant contribution" to making the nursing profession more attractive. It is now a matter of defining the cooperation between medical staff and nursing staff and establishing boundaries.

Claudia Moll(SPD), the federal government's representative for nursing, also supports the planned expansion of competencies. "Carers need more and independent scope for action," she explained on Tuesday. This would benefit the quality of care and job satisfaction in equal measure.

She emphasized: "A lot is happening in nursing." In addition to the reform of training and payment according to collective agreements, the federal government has already made nursing studies more attractive with remuneration and strengthened the skills of academic nurses. This is now being joined by the strengthening of skills for all care professionals. These are all important steps towards an even more modern and attractive nursing profession.

Read also:

  1. Karl Lauterbach, the SPD politician, believes that nursing staff's competencies need to be significantly expanded to give them more autonomy in decision-making regarding certain medical procedures.
  2. In the future, some nursing staff may even be authorized to prescribe aids and medication, according to Lauterbach's plans.
  3. Christine Vogler, president of the German Nursing Council, applauded this legislative initiative, calling it a "quantum leap for nursing."
  4. The planned law received approval from the medical profession as well, with Klaus Reinhardt, President of the German Medical Association, calling it a "significant contribution" to making the nursing profession more attractive.
  5. More competencies for nursing staff would also be beneficial for the profession as a whole, SPD representative Claudia Moll argued, as it would increase job satisfaction and the quality of care.
  6. The Berlin-based politician, Lauterbach, aims to establish nursing courses at Master's level to provide further training opportunities for caregivers in the medical field.
  7. The strengthening of skills for all caregivers, including academic nurses, is an important step towards creating a more modern and attractive nursing profession, as indicated by the ongoing reforms and initiatives.




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