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Lauterbach refers to a significant shift in the healthcare system.

Karl Lauterbach has attended the Rostock health conference three times and seeks to make it a recurring event. He cautioned that the current healthcare system is in dire straits.

Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Federal Minister of Health, speaks at a press conference of the National...
Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Federal Minister of Health, speaks at a press conference of the National Healthcare Industry Conference.

Event: Gathering of Professionals Description: Discussion and networking among industry experts. Example Output: Industry professionals convening for a discussion and networking event. - Lauterbach refers to a significant shift in the healthcare system.

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) views the hospital reform as a wonderful opportunity for local clinics in remote regions. For states like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, this change will be a blessing as struggling small hospitals will emerge from their debts, declared Lauterbach to an audience of 600 attendees at the National Healthcare Industry Conference in Rostock on Thursday. He added that these medical facilities will have a stable income to cover their operations. Flat rates for specific services and subsidies are crucial components of the new financial foundation.

Lauterbach gave a frank assessment of the German healthcare system, stating: "We're not doing well." In comparison to other European countries, the system is excessively inefficient and expensive. Our digitalization efforts are lagging behind by at least 20 years, and there are significant issues in medical research. However, he sought to avoid raising unnecessary concerns and emphasized the vital need for change within the healthcare system.

In the afternoon, Lauterbach planned to visit the Helene von Bülow Clinic in Ludwigslust. The governor of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), underscored the importance of preserving all hospital locations in the state. It's crucial to determine which medical institution will specialize in what tasks, especially in rural areas, where the primary focus should be on basic care. The reform will ensure that the number of patients no longer determines a hospital's fate. Although this system revamp is essential, it's also a challenging undertaking, Lauterbach remarked.

Key to northeast economy

Lauterbach stressed the significance of the healthcare industry to the northeast. Last year, the region saw a 3.4% increase in healthcare sector employment, surpassing 170,000 workers. Based on recent data from the German Ministry of Economics, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a leading performer in the country with a gross value added of 6.8 billion euros. According to the SPD politician, the healthcare industry has considerable economic potential for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the entire nation.

Lithuania serves as this year's partner country at the conference. Lithuania's Deputy Minister of Economy, Neringa Morozaitė-Rasmussen, mentioned the rapid double-digit growth rates in her country's healthcare sector. Ninety percent of livesciences products are sold to over 100 nations. This industry has now become one of the leading sectors in the Baltic country.

A yearly tradition

The National Healthcare Industry Conference is organized annually by the BioCon Valley GmbH and has a unique combination of health, research, economy, and international engagement. Lauterbach praised the format and expressed his intention to take part in Rostock's gathering next year: "Cologne people say, after the third time, it's often customary. I'd like to make it a tradition."

Read also:

  1. Lauterbach advocated for the hospital reform, seeing it as a beneficial opportunity for struggling hospitals in remote regions, such as those in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
  2. At the National Healthcare Industry Conference in Rostock, Lauterbach mentioned the need for digitization in German hospitals to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  3. The SPD politician Karl Lauterbach, who is the German Health Minister, emphasized the importance of the healthcare industry in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which saw a 3.4% increase in employment last year.
  4. Lauterbach visited the Helene von Bülow Clinic in Ludwigslust, and Manuela Schwesig, the governor of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, emphasized the importance of preserving all hospital locations in the state for specialized care.
  5. Lithuania's Deputy Minister of Economy, Neringa Morozaitė-Rasmussen, highlighted the rapid growth in her country's healthcare sector, which has become one of the leading sectors in the Baltic country.
  6. The National Healthcare Industry Conference, organized by BioCon Valley GmbH, provides a unique platform for health, research, economy, and international engagement, as evidenced by Lauterbach's intention to participate annually.
  7. In light of the success and impact of the conference, Lauterbach described it as a customary tradition that he plans to continue attending in the future.



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