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Lauterbach: Danger from corona is underestimated

New wave of infections looms

"The Long Covid problem has not yet been solved," warns Federal Health Minister Karl
"The Long Covid problem has not yet been solved," warns Federal Health Minister Karl

Lauterbach: Danger from corona is underestimated

Shortly before Christmas, Covid numbers are high again this year. Federal Health Minister Lauterbach warns of an approaching wave of infections and calls on risk groups to get vaccinated. A vaccination also reduces the risk of Long Covid.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has called on people with risk factors to get vaccinated in view of higher corona infection figures. The infection is not a cold, said the SPD politician after the second round table on Long Covid in Berlin. If you get vaccinated now, this is "the optimal time" for a full effect by Christmas, he explained with a view to the elderly and chronically ill.

So far, only around three million people in Germany have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine specially adapted to the Omikron XBB.1.5 sub-variant. This is "very disappointing", says Lauterbach. "At the moment, the danger posed by Covid is actually being underestimated." The health minister made it clear that calculations based on available data indicate a wave of infections. This is likely to correspond to an incidence of 1700 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

At the same time, Lauterbach warned that "the long Covid problem has not yet been solved". For those who are newly infected, the Long Covid risk is estimated at three percent. That is tens of thousands of people affected. However, the risk decreases after vaccination.

According to Lauterbach, an additional 150 million euros are to be invested in Long Covid research. There is more and more knowledge about the mechanisms in the brain. Long Covid can affect the vascular system and also tissue in the brain. But there is still "no cure". The many symptoms of Long Covid include exhaustion, memory problems and organ damage.

"Very high activity of respiratory infections"

Carmen Scheibenbogen, Head of the Immunodeficiency Outpatient Clinic at Charité in Berlin, said that many of those affected are not well cared for. A "network of specialist outpatient clinics" and rehabilitation clinics are needed. Although post-Covid outpatient clinics have been established, waiting times are often six months. She also mentioned the use of drugs that have not yet been approved for the treatment of long Covid. This so-called off-label use is being examined.

According to the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lars Schaade, there is currently a "very high level of activity in respiratory tract infections". The cause is mostly Covid-19 or other pathogens such as rhinoviruses. There is still no indication of an incipient flu epidemic, but the number of cases is expected to rise. Vaccination for risk groups is therefore still important.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) includes people aged 60 and over, people with underlying illnesses, residents of care facilities and medical and nursing staff who have an increased risk of infection. STIKO also recommends that these groups receive the annual flu vaccination. According to experts, Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations can be given at the same time.

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