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Laumann announces job campaign for people with disabilities

In the fight against poverty, NRW Minister of Labor Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) has announced a campaign to integrate people with disabilities into the labor market. "It is unacceptable that the unemployment rate of people with disabilities is twice as high as the unemployment rate of people...

Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia,
Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks.

Parliament - Laumann announces job campaign for people with disabilities

In the fight against poverty, NRW Minister of Labor Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) has announced a campaign to integrate people with disabilities into the labor market. "It is unacceptable that the unemployment rate of people with disabilities is twice as high as the unemployment rate of people without disabilities," said Laumann in the state parliament on Thursday. The potential of people with disabilities must be recognized in times of labour shortages. Bringing them into the job market would also help to get them out of poverty.

A further placement campaign should be launched with ministries and many other stakeholders to get recipients of the citizen's allowance into work. This is also a campaign to limit poverty, but also a "bitterly necessary political measure to maintain acceptance of a reasonable basic income in the citizen's allowance among the population in our country in the long term", said Laumann.

According to Laumann, the country has seen an increase of 470,000 jobs subject to social security contributions since 2017, more than two thirds of which are filled by people with a migration background. The CDU politician said that the most sustainable way to combat poverty was to get people into good jobs.

The debate was prompted by a motion from the opposition SPD on the social responsibility of the black-green state government. One in five people in NRW is affected by poverty, it said. It should not be the case that working people are dependent on the support of food banks. Although the food banks are important support services for people affected by poverty, they should not be a substitute for the state government's social responsibility.

"I don't want to replace the welfare state with food banks," said Laumann. The state would continue to support the food banks for as long as necessary.

SPD motion

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