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Last soldiers from Mali mission on their way to Germany

Following the end of the UN mission in Mali, West Africa, the last German soldiers are on their way to Germany. Two A400M military transporters and an Airbus A330MRTT took off from the Senegalese capital Dakar on Friday, as explained to the German Press Agency in Berlin. The men and women of...

Bundeswehr soldiers stand in a row.
Bundeswehr soldiers stand in a row.

German Armed Forces - Last soldiers from Mali mission on their way to Germany

Following the end of the UN mission in Mali, West Africa, the last German soldiers are on their way to Germany. Two A400M military transporters and an Airbus A330MRTT took off from the Senegalese capital Dakar on Friday, as explained to the German Press Agency in Berlin. The men and women of the Bundeswehr were due to land at Wunstorf Air Base in Lower Saxony at around 3.00 pm.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) plans to receive the soldiers, who were involved in the UN peacekeeping mission Minusma, there. A so-called returnee roll call is planned to "honor their achievements", the 62nd Air Force Wing in Wunstorf announced on Tuesday evening.

The Bundeswehr has ended its UN mission in Mali after more than a decade. The last 142 soldiers were flown out on Tuesday and made a stopover in Dakar. Mali's military government had demanded the withdrawal of all 12,000 UN peacekeepers in June and had previously increased cooperation with Russia. Following the withdrawal from Afghanistan, this marked the end of the Bundeswehr's second major deployment outside Europe.

Participation of the Bundeswehr in Minusma

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