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Last round of negotiations for Hessian coalition agreement?

Which party will get which ministry and how will it be structured? The CDU and SPD also wanted to decide this at the end of their negotiations. The booted-out Greens speak of only limited love on the part of these two parties.

Parties - Last round of negotiations for Hessian coalition agreement?

TheCDU and SPD in Hesse could be facing a final round of negotiations on their planned coalition agreement. According to information from the German Press Agency, a final meeting of the leading group of both parties was planned for Wednesday afternoon with Minister President and CDU state leader Boris Rhein, among others. The Greens suspected overall delays due to differences between the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats.

On Saturday (December 16), the CDU and SPD want to decide on the coalition agreement - the CDU/CSU at a meeting of its state committee in Frankfurt and the SPD at a party conference in Groß-Umstadt in southern Hesse. According to earlier statements by Minister President Rhein in a dpa interview, the coalition agreement could be signed on Monday (December 18).

Green Party parliamentary group leader Mathias Wagner suspected on Wednesday with regard to the CDU and SPD: "But apparently the love and harmony is not that great after all." Because there are probably disputes and therefore delays: "We suspect that it is particularly about the future allocation of ministries and their distribution among the coalition partners." According to Wagner, the CDU and SPD delegates are unlikely to have time to read the coalition agreement thoroughly before Saturday. The CDU and SPD have not commented on this for the time being.

According to dpa information, the main round of negotiations on Wednesday afternoon still wanted to decide on the allocation of future ministries and their distribution, among other things. However, it is unlikely that the names of the ministers will be publicly announced at the CDU and SPD meetings on Saturday.

In the past decade, Hesse has been led by a black-green government. The CDU won the state elections on October 8th by a clear margin, after which it was able to choose between the Greens and the SPD as coalition partners. After extensive exploratory talks, the CDU rejected the Greens in favor of a black-red government alliance. On January 18, the new 21st Hessian state parliament is constituted in Wiesbaden.

The coalition negotiations were based on a key issues paper presented by the CDU and SPD after the exploratory talks. In it, they committed themselves to limiting migration, for example, as well as to more jobs for the police and financial support for the first owner-occupied home. In addition, a separate ministry for agriculture, forestry, viticulture, hunting and homeland is to be created. An intended gender ban in schools, universities and public broadcasting caused a stir.

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