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Last day of school before the Christmas break in Hamburg

Hamburg's pupils start their last day of school before the Christmas vacations on Thursday. From Friday onwards, they will have a total of 17 days off, including weekends, up to and including January 7, 2024.

A teacher writes the word "vacation" on the classroom blackboard.
A teacher writes the word "vacation" on the classroom blackboard.

Schools - Last day of school before the Christmas break in Hamburg

Hamburg's pupils start their last day of school before the Christmas vacations on Thursday. From Friday onwards, they will have a total of 17 days off, including weekends, up to and including January 7, 2024.

Hamburg started the new school year with a record number of pupils after the summer vacations. A total of 270,440 pupils were expected at the 469 state and private schools in the Hanseatic city - 10,130 or 4.8 percent more than in the previous school year. According to the education authority, the main reasons for the increase were the consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, in addition to the increase in births and the general influx to Hamburg. By the end of the last school year, more than 8,200 Ukrainian children and young people were attending Hamburg schools.

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