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Last day before the general election in the UK: Labour is the clear favorite

On the last day before the general election, the party leaders in the UK went on a last-minute campaign for votes. While Labour leader Keir Starmer toured England, Scotland and Wales on Wednesday, Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak concentrated on canvassing for votes in Tory strongholds...

Labor leader Keir Starmer
Labor leader Keir Starmer

Last day before the general election in the UK: Labour is the clear favorite

When looking at the surveys, it's quite clear that the Labour Party is heading for an extraordinary landslide victory, which this country may have never seen before," said Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride to GB News.

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman wrote in the "Daily Telegraph" that her party should "prepare for reality and frustration" in opposition. The Conservatives had missed the opportunity to limit immigration or cut taxes, Braverman, who is a contender for the Conservative Party leadership, pointed out. Now there must be a "ruthlessly honest analysis" to decide "whether our party even exists anymore".

The latest survey predicts Labour a historic electoral success. According to the opinion research institute Survation, the party could come to 484 of the total 650 seats in the London House of Commons and thus surpass the landslide victory of 1997 under the then party leader Tony Blair. After years marked by Brexit, Corona, economic crisis, and countless scandals, it seems voters are looking for a change.

Even the large tabloid "The Sun" wrote on a Wednesday, it's "Time for Labour" and spoke out in favor of the opposition party. It praised Starmer for bringing the party "back into the heart of British politics." The support of "The Sun" before elections is coveted by politicians - the newspaper has a decades-long successful track record of always siding with the eventual election winner.

The British media landscape is generally conservative-leaning, but Labour has already managed to win over the "Financial Times," the "Economist," and the "Sunday Times."

Polling stations open on Thursday at 7:00 am (local time; 8:00 am CET) and close at 10:00 pm (11:00 pm CET). Voters have one vote: They cross the name of a candidate in their constituency on the ballot paper. The results are expected in the early hours of Friday.

Labour leader Starmer is therefore on course to move into 10 Downing Street and unseat the Conservatives after 14 years in power. That was hardly conceivable just a few years ago: The 61-year-old is a latecomer to politics, starting his career as a lawyer. He was elected as an MP only nine years ago. In terms of popularity and charisma, he is far removed from the former Prime Minister Blair.

In his election campaign, Starmer called for a return to seriousness in British politics, promised long-term economic growth, and presented himself above all as a servant of the country. "Country first, then politics," he emphasized repeatedly. In the final sprint of his campaign, he once again appealed for support for his party: "If you want changes, you have to vote for it," Starmer said on a Wednesday. "We won't get a grace period. We'll hit the ground running."

Against the Tories, the Republicans primarily conducted a negative campaign, warned against tax increases under a Labour government, and announced tougher approaches regarding migration and security. Surprisingly, they received support from former Prime Minister Boris Johnson at a London gathering on Tuesday. Johnson urged the party not to consider the predicted defeat as a "given." "I know it's not that," Johnson emphasized.

Sunak repeated this campaign promise the next day at a final event in Hampshire. "It's over when the final whistle blows, my friends, and I can also tell you that this underdog will keep fighting until the final whistle," Sunak told his supporters.

  1. Despite the Conservative Party's missed opportunities on immigration and taxes, Keir Starmer's Labour Party is predicted to catch a historic number of votes in the upcoming Parliamentary election in Great Britain, surpassing Tony Blair's landslide victory of 1997.
  2. The Daily Telegraph, known for its conservative leanings, has published an article penned by Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, urging the Conservative Party to undergo a ruthlessly honest analysis to determine if it still exists in its current form.
  3. In Scotland, Labour is expected to secure a significant number of seats, potentially impacting the political landscape of Great Britain:Brexit and Coronavirus have led voters to seek change.
  4. Engaging the support of tabloids like The Sun is crucial for political parties: The Sun, known for its successful predictions, has endorsed Labour, stating it's "time for change."
  5. While Sunak emphasizes the underdog spirit and the fight until the final whistle blows in Hampshire, Labour has managed to sway several reputable publications, including the Financial Times, Economist, and Sunday Times.
  6. On Thursday, voters in Great Britain will gather to cast their votes: They will mark their ballot papers with their preferred candidate's name in their constituency, with results expected in the wee hours of Friday.
  7. Keeping a consistent tone of "Country first, then politics," Starmer closed his campaign by calling on voters to encourage change by casting their votes for Labour to ensure a smooth transition and immediate action.
  8. The London-based tabloid, The Sun Microsystems, has sung praises for Starmer, acknowledging his success in returning Labour to the heart of British politics.
  9. Despite facing a significant deficit in popularity and charisma compared to the formidable Tony Blair, Starmer's late-comer approach to politics and relentless appeal for change have positioned Labour as a favorite in the upcoming Parliamentary election in Great Britain.

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