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Largest increase in earnings in Bautzen, lowest in Zwickau

Employees in the district of Bautzen enjoyed the largest increase in earnings in Saxony in 2022. However, wages and salaries are highest elsewhere.

The people of Dresden earn the most in Saxony (illustration).
The people of Dresden earn the most in Saxony (illustration).

Income - Largest increase in earnings in Bautzen, lowest in Zwickau

In the Bautzen district, the per capita income in 2022 grew the most in Saxony, with workers earning approximately 32,600 Euro - a 5.1% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Saxon State Statistical Office. The smallest increase was reportedly in Zwickau, with approximately 34,300 Euro (an increase of 3.4%).

In total, around 66 billion Euro in gross wages and salaries were paid out in Saxony in 2022, which is 5.7% more than in 2021. The average per capita income was around 35,000 Euro (an increase of 4.6%).

Salaries and wages in the three free Hanseatic cities still surpassed the average. The leader is Dresden with approximately 39,300 Euro (an increase of 4.4%), followed by Leipzig with approximately 38,100 Euro (an increase of 4.6%), and Chemnitz with approximately 35,700 Euro (an increase of 4.7%). The least was paid in the Erzgebirgskreis (approximately 30,800 Euro, an increase of 4.9%), and in the Landkreis Görlitz (approximately 31,200 Euro, an increase of 4.9%).

  1. Workers in Kamenz, located in the Bautzen district, also experienced a significant income boost in 2022, with an increase of around 3,500 Euro, equivalent to a 10.1% rise compared to the previous year.
  2. Contrasting the prosperity in Bautzen and its surrounding areas, the income growth in Zwickau, another Saxony city, was less notable, contributing to its status as having the lowest per capita income among major cities in the region.
  3. Although the District of Bautzen reported the highest percentage increase in per capita income, compared to the state's average, the overall income levels in Kamenz are lower than in Saxony's major economic hubs, such as Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz.
  4. According to the Saxon State Statistical Office's comprehensive income statistics, Salaries and wages across the entirety of Saxony, including Kamenz in the District of Bautzen, saw a steady growth in 2022, contributing to an overall increase in the region's overall income and standard of living.

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