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Large refugee shelter in Bad Fallingbostel closes

Tens of thousands of refugees have been accommodated in Bad Fallingbostel since fall 2015. Now the branch office of the state reception authority is closing. The mayor speaks of a difficult time for the small town.

Accommodation building on the grounds of the refugee reception center in Bad Fallingbostel.
Accommodation building on the grounds of the refugee reception center in Bad Fallingbostel.

Migration - Large refugee shelter in Bad Fallingbostel closes

After around eight years with tens of thousands of refugees, a large refugee accommodation facility in Lower Saxony is closing. The branch office of the state reception authority in Bad Fallingbostel-Oerbke(Heidekreis district) will only be open until December 31. The occupancy was already completely terminated at the end of November and the last residents were distributed to other locations and municipalities, as the state reception authority informed the Deutsche Presse-Agentur on request.

The British armed forces used the site from 1945 until autumn 2015. When the British military left, the state reception authority took over the use of the property to cope with the enormous influx of refugees. The properties are now being handed over to the Bundeswehr.

According to information, around 61,800 people have been housed in the facility since 2015. However, no figures are available for 2015, as it was used as emergency accommodation during this time. There were more than 5,200 people in the facility that year, compared to almost three times as many the year before.

Rolf Schneider, mayor of Bad Fallingsbostel, said at the end of the refugee accommodation: "Two hearts are beating in my chest, Lower Saxony is facing a major capacity problem." The accommodation was overcrowded at times, Schneider reports a difficult atmosphere in the small town with around 13,000 inhabitants. "At the moment of overcrowding, nerves were on edge, both among the refugees and the citizens," said the SPD politician. When it was announced that the site would be used by the Bundeswehr in the future, there was a sigh of relief and relief.

The use of the military site by the Bundeswehr would pose new challenges for the region. "We don't know what housing requirements we will face. Will the schools be sufficient if this becomes a large site worth mentioning?" said the mayor. In 2015, a third of the population was lost when the British withdrew after 70 years. From mid-January, around a thousand Ukrainian soldiers are to be trained at the nearby military training area, said Schneider.

Information on the Bad Fallingbostel-Oerbke outpost

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