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Large participation in Saxony's elections

In the early hours of the state election, numerous voters in Saxony have already exercised their right to vote. The election commencement was reportedly seamless, as stated by the election management body. A significant turnout is forecasted.

A substantial number of voters have already exercised their right to vote before lunchtime.
A substantial number of voters have already exercised their right to vote before lunchtime.

- Large participation in Saxony's elections

Gotta expect a big crowd for the Saxony state vote. By noon, 25.8% of eligible voters had already dropped their ballots, shares the Kamenz-based Statistical Office. In the 2019 state election, that number was only slightly higher at 26.2%.

The early numbers don't include the mail-in ballots just yet. It's predicted that 24.6% of voters will be casting their votes from home this time around, a steady increase from the 16.9% in 2019. According to the Election Office, the polls ran hitch-free in the morning, with no reported problems.

In Dresden, a whopping 57.5% of eligible voters had made their way to the polls by noon, compared to 53.3% in 2014. Leipzig saw a voter turnout of 52.5% at the same hour, marking a significant jump from the 40.8% in 2019. Mail-in ballots were included in the tally for both cities. Chemnitz reported around 33% turnout during the morning, with only Sunday voters accounted for. The city highlighted that their preliminary turnout was roughly the same as the 32% seen in the last state election in 2019.

The Statistical Office mentioned that other voting methods besides in-person, like mail-in ballots, haven't been included in the early voting numbers yet. Despite the increase in mail-in voting, other traditional methods are still popular, as shown by the high turnout numbers in cities like Dresden and Leipzig.

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