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Large demonstrations expected against AfD party conference

100,000 demonstrators could gather at the large protests against the AfD party conference in Essen. But not all of them are likely to have peaceful intentions. The police are also expecting 1000 left-wing extremists.

A police vehicle is parked behind a barrier outside the Grugahalle in Essen, where the AfD will be...
A police vehicle is parked behind a barrier outside the Grugahalle in Essen, where the AfD will be holding its party conference this weekend.

AfD party conference - Large demonstrations expected against AfD party conference

With a large deployment, the police in Essen are preparing for the expected mass protests against the AfD federal party conference this weekend. An estimated 100,000 people could peacefully participate in the numerous actions according to the assessment of the emergency services. At the same time, the police are also preparing for possible disturbances: The officers fear that around 1,000 left-wing extremists may try to disrupt the party conference with violent means.

The largest and largest protests will take place on Saturday. The initiative "Together Loud" calls for a large demonstration from 10:00 AM onwards, which starts at the main station. The participants then march through the city to the Grugahalle, where the AfD is holding their federal party conference. The central rally in the afternoon is organized by the city of Essen on the Messeparkplatz P2 not far from the Grugahalle. At least 45,000 people could gather there.

Conflicts between activists and the police could already occur on Saturday morning: Left-wing groups have announced that they will block the access roads to the conference venue in the early hours of the morning and prevent the approximately 600 delegates from reaching their destination. The police have made it clear that they will not tolerate a blockade of the party conference and will allow for an unobstructed course.

City of Essen for the Demonstration Weekend Together Loud Police News Ticker

  1. Despite the anticipation of peaceful protests this weekend, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia's Essen are concerned about excesses due to the mass demonstrations against the AfD party conference.
  2. The extreme left is expected to have a large contingent at the protests, raising concerns that they might resort to violent means during the AfD federal party conference.
  3. Food vendors have been advised to prepare for an influx of protesters over the weekend, as the mass protest against the AfD conference in Essen promises a bustling crowd.
  4. The AfD party in Germany has been accused of inflammatory rhetoric, leading to heated debates, and tension is in the air as their conference sparks massive demonstrations across the city.
  5. The police are working tirelessly to ensure that the public safety is not compromised during the weekend's mass protests against the AfD party conference in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  6. The annual AfD party conference in Essen has sparked a controversial reaction from various parties across Germany, including the major opposition left-wing groups, leading to the mass protests anticipated this weekend.

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