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Large contingent at school: Armed pupil overpowered

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol

Large contingent at school: Armed pupil overpowered

A tip-off about an armed 12-year-old pupil at a special school in Cologne triggered a large-scale police and fire department operation on Thursday. According to the police, a member of staff at the school had previously called the emergency services to report a threatening scenario.

According to the report, the 12-year-old had armed himself with a knife from the school's teaching kitchen after an argument in PE class. Two members of staff talked him down and overpowered him when he tried to leave the kitchen with the knife. The police arrived at the same time. The 12-year-old, who was physically unharmed, was being treated by a doctor together with his parents.

The police announced that a large number of officers had arrived due to the initially unclear situation. Classmates had initially locked themselves in the classrooms following instructions from the school management.

The school's emergency protocol was efficiently implemented during the incident, ensuring the safety of all students. In such situations, it's crucial for schools to have clear emergency procedures in place.




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