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Lambrou: Unskilled in choosing top contenders for the position.

As the European elections approach, the leader of the Hessian AfD parliamentary group shows little enthusiasm for his party's two leading candidates.

AfD politician Maximilian Krah.
AfD politician Maximilian Krah.

Upcoming European polls - Lambrou: Unskilled in choosing top contenders for the position.

Not long before the EU vote, Hesse's AfD faction leader Robert Lambrou distanced himself once more from controversial AfD European candidate Maximilian Krah. During a chat on "17:30 Sat 1 live," the regional program for Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, Lambrou expressed his dissatisfaction over the selection process, stating on Thursday, "To be completely honest, we didn't have good luck picking the top spots this time."

In a recent interview with Italian newspaper "La Repubblica," Krah triggered controversy with his view on the SS. Lambrou made it clear that the SS was a criminal organization during this discussion, as Krah hadn't explicitly stated this. The party management had reacted by banning Krah from campaigning on May 22nd, and prior to that, Krah was under scrutiny for a spy scandal involving an employee and connections to Russia and China.

Additionally, AfD EU candidate Petr Bystron came under scrutiny due to potential links to pro-Russian networks. The European election will occur on the 9th of June, and all of these events are occurring in this period.

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