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Labor market coaches help with the search for apprenticeships

A confectioner at
A confectioner at

Labor market coaches help with the search for apprenticeships

Over the past two and a half years, more than 2,500 young people have completed an apprenticeship in the skilled trades and 175 in the hotel and catering industry in Rhineland-Palatinate with the support of coaches for in-company training. In total, more than 5,300 young people have been supported in the project as part of the current cooperation agreement, said Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt (FDP) in response to a parliamentary question from the Green parliamentary group. Around 24 percent of participants had a history of migration and flight.

Since 2014, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, together with the Federal Employment Agency, has been funding coaches for in-company training at the Rhineland-Palatinate Chambers of Crafts. The coaches place and support young people with and without a history of flight or migration in an apprenticeship or entry qualification in the skilled trades. The measure has been in place for the hotel and catering sector since 2018.

Both sectors are particularly affected by the difficulty of recruiting young talent and thus securing the future of their businesses. According to the Minister, the Rhineland-Palatinate Chambers of Crafts employ a total of 21 coaches and the Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) employs three coaches.

To effectively address the talent shortage in the skilled trades and hotel industry, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has funded work with education, providing coaches for apprenticeship placements. These coaches, including 21 from the Chambers of Crafts and three from Dehoga, assist young people, whether with or without a migration background, in securing work through apprenticeships or entry qualifications.


