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Labor market: Accommodate refugees more quickly

Brandenburg's Minister of Labor Jörg Steinbach (SPD) speaks during the press
Brandenburg's Minister of Labor Jörg Steinbach (SPD) speaks during the press

Labor market: Accommodate refugees more quickly

The Brandenburg state government wants to integrate refugees into the job market more quickly with the help of the employment agency. According to information from Monday, both sides agreed on several building blocks. In future, job placement will already take place with a lower language level. The Ministry of Labor and the employment agency called for workers with little knowledge of German to be hired and for them to be trained alongside their jobs. Employers are to be recruited for internships and employment subject to social insurance contributions. Migrants are to receive more intensive support in job centers.

In October, Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) launched an initiative to accelerate the integration of refugees into the labor market. The measures in Brandenburg relate to around 2,000 refugees from Ukraine and around 8,500 other refugees.

"In view of the existing shortages of skilled workers, but also of labour, it is important to mobilize all the reserves of the labour market," said Labour Minister Jörg Steinbach (SPD), according to the Berlin-Brandenburg regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. He called on employers to offer suitable jobs to refugees.

The accelerated integration of refugees into the labor market in Brandenburg includes providing jobs with lower language requirements, aiming to hire and train individuals with limited German knowledge simultaneously. To further aid migration, employers are encouraged to participate in internship and employment programs with social insurance contributions.

The ongoing initiative to address labor market shortages and accommodate refugees more swiftly, as advocated by Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil, could potentially create new opportunities for employment and work among the refugee population in Germany.


