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Kunsthalle Erfurt shows photographs by star photographer Burri

René Burri became known worldwide with his photos of famous personalities such as Che Guevara and Pablo Picasso. His portraits of West and East Germany can now also be seen in Erfurt.

Participants view the exhibition "René Burri: In Germany" at the Erfurt Kunsthalle during the
Participants view the exhibition "René Burri: In Germany" at the Erfurt Kunsthalle during the press

Kunsthalle Erfurt shows photographs by star photographer Burri

The famous Swiss photographer René Burri's (1933-2014) view of "The Germans" is the subject of an exhibition at the Kunsthalle Erfurt. He became world-famous for his portraits of artists such as Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and Jean Tinguely (1925-1991).

Burri's series "The Germans" was first published as a book in the early 1960s. Burri focused his camera on both East and West Germany. "He arranged and mixed his selected motifs, deliberately placing one next to the other and thus came astonishingly close to this divided country and its people," wrote curator Daniel Blochwitz.

Burri is one of the best-known photojournalists of the 20th century. He was a member of the famous Magnum photo agency for many years. His 1963 photographs of Ernesto Che Guevara smoking - the Cuban Minister of Industry at the time - were particularly well known.

Around 200 of Burri's photographs will be on display at the Kunsthalle Erfurt from November 19 to February 11. In addition to photographs from the series "The Germans", some of his well-known portraits will also be on display.

Visitors of the Kunsthalle Erfurt can expect to see various exhibitions of photography, as the renowned Kunsthalle is currently showcasing the works of star photographer Burri, specifically his series "The Germans". This exhibition offers a unique insight into Burri's perspective on German culture during the 1960s.


