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Kühnert states that individuals desire greater effort from us.

After experiencing defeat in recent elections, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert declared that it's time for a more defined social democratic approach. He explained on Monday, following discussions with Berlin's SPD leadership, that many who voted for the party now want more intense...

Flags with SPD logo
Flags with SPD logo

Kühnert states that individuals desire greater effort from us.

Concerning the conflict within the traffic light coalition regarding the 2025 budget, Kühnt asserted that the desire for a deal is present among the social democrats. "There won't be a harsh budget that jeopardizes social harmony with the SPD," he added. When queried if this might be the moment where the traffic light coalition might split apart, Kühnt replied: "Such a question is hypothetical and cannot be answered here."

The Social Democrats are currently probing the factors behind their unsatisfactory performance. "We don't have a comprehensive analysis yet," stated the SPD general secretary. It seems that there are demographics in eastern Germany, rural locations, and among individuals with minimal educational accomplishments that they have lost connection with. Some of these individuals didn't cast their ballots this time.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz's (SPD) union's calls for new elections or a vote of confidence were dismissed by Kühnt. "The 'traffic light' possesses a majority in the Bundesrat," he clarified. "It is efficient and capable of addressing issues." The renewal of the Bundesrat is scheduled to occur as planned next year in September.

In the European election on Sunday, the SPD garnered only 13.9% of votes - their worst result thus far. Compared to the Bundestag election in 2021, the decline in the Social Democrats' vote share was more striking.

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